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Marketing strategies: options of tools to increase sales
The success of a business, its development and competitiveness largely depend on properly organized marketing activities. The importance of such a department in a company of any orientation cannot be questioned. However, the results of its work do not always live up to expectations, and the reason for this is improper organization of processes. There are various marketing strategies which should be chosen with consideration of the goal set. Then the efficiency of implemented approaches will be much higher.
Each strategy has its own focus and helps to solve certain problems. One of them is social marketing, which studies the motives of people in the choice and purchase of goods. Understanding the mechanisms of thinking of consumers, companies increase sales by using different approaches, such as 1+1=3 promotions or buying goods while receiving a gift. Social marketing also works great for brand image, boosting it in the eyes of customers.
Another type of strategy is transactional. It is often used by large companies that are interested in large sales on a regular basis. Transactional marketing influences consumers so that they make more and more purchases. The tools of this strategy include discounts, coupons, liquidation promotions, and more.
The word-of-mouth approach is known to many by the expression “viral radio.” Here, the main advertisement for the product is the recommendations of acquaintances and friends. People who liked the product or service are sure to tell others about them, which increases interest in the company and forms its positive image in society.

Another type of consumer exposure strategy is seasonal marketing. A prime example of this approach is Christmas shopping or Valentine’s Day and holiday-themed products. The company can change packaging depending on the season, the approaching date, through souvenirs and gift products to introduce customers to its range.
Online marketing is a relevant strategy. Multiple banners on the Internet, dynamic pictures and videos make the web user distracted from scrolling content and pay attention to the advertised product. Due to different design solutions, such tools stay in consumers’ memory for a long time and stimulate them to buy.
News marketing is considered an effective option for promotion. In this case, the events that deserve attention and put the product or company in a favorable light are highlighted. Such strategy is effective in the B2B segment, it allows the exchange of new products in a certain area, and thus the company remains “on everyone’s lips”.
It is not necessary to stick to one marketing strategy, in this case it is important to clearly understand the end goal, and based on this select a set of tools.