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Author page: Press secretary

businesses in Germany receive government investment

Businesses in Germany will receive government investment

The government investments for businesses in Germany In recent years, Europe has experienced economic difficulties that have affected all market participants. In Germany, business investment has declined, particularly in the technology sector. The government has set aside €12 billion to support start-ups. As part of the initiative, representatives of the authorities, businesses, and KfW Bank…

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miniature brain chip

Miniature chip can turn thoughts into text

MiBMI miniature chip outperforms competitors Swiss scientists have developed a miniature chip for implantation in the brain. Now, Neuralink has a serious competitor that translates human thoughts into text. According to the developers, the transcription accuracy is 91%. Scientists in Switzerland have made a breakthrough in the development of brain-computer interfaces. Their device is the…

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preparing for audience research

Audience research: how to organise the process properly

Audience research: the basic steps   Companies that integrate target audience research into their value creation strategy will always be in an advantageous position and one step ahead of the competitors. Audience research is the first step in conversion planning. The process is systematic and requires an in-depth analysis of each component. Audience research should be…

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