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digital advisor

Startup CloEE digital advisor will solve some manufacturing problems

CloEE digital advisor: a benefits overview CloEE is an AI-based digital advisor for discrete manufacturing. It can help significantly improve equipment sustainability and efficiency, which translates into an annual revenue increase of US$1 million. Manufacturing digitalisation presents a number of challenges that limit the implementation of innovative solutions. Integrating disparate systems and bridging the gap…

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miniature brain chip

Miniature chip can turn thoughts into text

MiBMI miniature chip outperforms competitors Swiss scientists have developed a miniature chip for implantation in the brain. Now, Neuralink has a serious competitor that translates human thoughts into text. According to the developers, the transcription accuracy is 91%. Scientists in Switzerland have made a breakthrough in the development of brain-computer interfaces. Their device is the…

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artificial intelligence testing with Geekbench

Geekbench AI makes artificial intelligence testing easier

Artificial intelligence testing: how Primate Labs' solution work Primate Labs has launched a new solution - Geekbench AI, based on a machine learning model. The product enables artificial intelligence testing and extends the capabilities of Geekbench cross-platform. AI algorithms produce different results depending on the type and characteristics of the device. With Geekbench AI, developers…

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mobile base stations

Mobile base stations in space to provide communications in Japan

Japanese companies invest in new mobile base stations Japanese companies have announced a joint Airbus AALTO investment project. This will see the country constructing next-generation mobile phone base stations. Local telecoms company NTT DoCoMo is a major investor in the project. Other partners include Mizuho Bank and Space Compass. Together, the partners invested US$100 million…

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