Henadz Aliashuk - a specialist in the creation, implementation and development of business models in the IT-sphere, marketing management and branding.
Henadz Aliashuk is engaged in the planning, development, implementation, operation and development of information and communication systems, which are used for development and support in it-sphere, strategic planning and decision-making processes in business. Also the development and implementation of marketing strategies to increase brand awareness in accordance with the needs and budget of clients.
His sphere of activity includes: creation, implementation and coordination of corporate information systems, development of business models, planning and organization of IT projects of various levels of complexity. Creation of unique strategies to promote the brand. Monitoring of marketing campaigns and analysis of their results.
The experience of the specialist of such level allows him to advise top managers of different IT companies in making decisions on further development of the company, modeling and optimization of business processes.
According to Henadz’s convictions, technological achievements of any company or business manifest themselves quickly and simultaneously in several areas and this happens under the influence of the following factors operating in parallel:
- Cheaper access to technology. Today, the three fundamental technologies (computing, storage, and connectivity) are becoming exponentially cheaper and more efficient than they were a few decades ago.
- Technological globalization. For the first time, developed and developing countries are creating, cooperating, communicating, and assimilating new ideas based on similar technology platforms, contributing to the innovative development of the whole world.
- Increased comfort with technology. The more we use the Internet, laptops, mobile devices, collaboration tools, and other technologies in our personal and professional lives, the more comfortable society feels with all these technologies of things.
- The competitive advantage of technology. It has been observed that companies that are leaders in technology in their industry are growing twice as fast in revenue and profits as those that are not keeping up with new advances.
- Marketing management and branding. Creation and management of the company brand, marketing strategy for business development, automation of business processes, obtaining information through data analysis and interaction with customers.